The Day I Became a Stunt Driver

The…. one day I got weirdly lucky and landed a stunt driving gig because I wouldn’t let the company’s guy drive my car. Yes, it’s a technicality but dammit I’m the guy driving in a commercial!

I was at Utah Motorsports Campus showing the worker ladies how TopDrift works and they let told me someone was looking for a nice car to film while drifting. There is a drift club in Salt Lake City but I guess their cars were too beat up for prime time.

The client turned out to be Xinsurance, a company who claims they will insure anything. To make the point clear, they show all kinds of extreme sports and the voice over keeps saying “THIS is covered, THIS is covered” etc. The video shoot at UMC was two hours and I was in the commercial for a total of less than two seconds but I’m not complaining. This is the commercial that aired on Monday night football:

Needless to say I was pretty stoked when this came out. I was certain it’s only a matter of time before big brands come knocking and want to pay big bucks for my driving skills. They haven’t yet, but any day now…..

Here’s more footage from the shoot. Hard to be satisfied with .75 seconds of drift footage when you spent two hours thrashing your car around.

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